
Social Welfare Policy Analysis For Social Workers Essay

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Plan to Influence Policy
In order to conduct meaningful change and to be effective in influencing policy, there must be a well thought out plan in place. In the text The Policy-Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers by Popple and Leighninger (2015) they argue that “For an action strategy to be effective, it is imperative that the people taking the action have a firm grasp on the problem they are dealing with and on achievable goals. You must do your homework before taking action” (p. 262). It is crucial that we do our homework when it comes to influencing policy for medicaid expansion in Texas. This includes having a better idea on who our coalition partners are, these are individuals and groups who share a common goal and purpose. This also includes knowing some strategies to increase public awareness, and as well what potential barriers may lie ahead that could possibly influence our success. Coalition Partners The state of Texas currently has a coalition set up solely to help with medicaid expansion in Texas, the coalition is called Cover Texas Now. Their mission statement states that they are “a coalition of consumer and faith-based organizations whose mission is to see the state of Texas implement a sustainable health care system and provide quality affordable health coverage to its citizens” (Cover Texas Now, 2016, para. 1). The coalition meets regularly to brainstorm new effective strategies in improving

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