
Welfare Reform Argumentative Essay

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The intentions of welfare reform is simply to reduce dependency, reduce child poverty, and to strengthen marriages (in line citation website). However, taking away a low income families chance for help is not going to help their poverty. The idea of getting rid of the help a family needs, in order to help the family end their poverty is contradictory. This is more likely to leave families stuck in poverty, or even send them below if their aid gets removed.
Welfare reform sparked a great deal of interest in the 1990’s when President Clinton called together a speech calling for dramatic changes to the welfare policy. In his speech he stated “No one who works full-time and has children at home should be poor anymore. No one who can work should …show more content…

Did you know that around 15 million Americans, and single mother and their children are on welfare? Sometimes working 20 hours is not a possibility for a full time single parent, due to the expenses of babysitters, and schooling. These parents have only one option, which is to apply for welfare to get the assistance required to cover those expenditures so they will be able to work the 20 hours mandatory. Other single parents cannot find a job or have a challenging time keeping them due to mild disabilities and mental health issues( in line citation interview), which are out of their control. This causes worthy families to lose their rights to their children. When that happens numerous children will be taken away from their homes and placed into child protection services. Which could lead to countless future difficulties within the child’s life, when in fact this contradicts the intentions of the welfare reform act. Even though this problem can be completely avoided if benefits were not cut or denied. Although, the main idea of the welfare reform act is to insure the well-being of young children, the loss of benefits could leave many children poverty stricken. Which, ironically is what Clinton and others involved were trying to

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