
Social Work : An Important Part Of The Communal Functioning Of Society

Decent Essays

Social work is such an important part of the communal functioning of society. I believe there is a great need that policies and laws often neglect to address. I am pursuing a degree in social work because I wear the face of vulnerability. I am a young, black, and educated woman living in a time where discrimination is still apparent. If everyone was given an equal chance and the opportunity for change, I believe we can create a powerhouse of knowledge and greater awareness for the human in humanity. My background is in criminology and I wanted to pursue a degree outside of my field in order to take a comprehensive approach to how I saw and understood the world. Social work is such a diverse field which speaks to the diversity that is representative in society. My values align very much with what it means to be a social worker. I believe in positive change. As a future social worker, I want to be that voice for those that do not have a voice, and make changes in the Microsystems which would inspire change at the Macro level. For me, it all started with a dream, developed into a passion, and manifested into action. I believe it is our civic responsibility to ensure that no one falls between the cracks.
To continue, furthering my education was not a question in my mind; however I knew I had to make great sacrifices to do so. I was in a state of ambivalence for a short period of time because I knew the financial burden that it would have on me. I currently work full time at

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