
Social Work Reflection

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Growing up in the Chicagoland area, I witnessed many examples of people, agencies, and community groups working to improve our area and ensure all opportunities were at the hands of our community members. Witnessing such actions while navigating life and trying to determine a path for me to take left a mark on me and affected me in ways I never imagined. I had a desire to give back to communities and assist in similar ways like I saw while growing up to offer people opportunities that, otherwise, seemed improbable to them. Everyone deserves a chance at reaching their full potential and I developed a desire to be that beacon of hope. A particular group that guided me to choosing the path of social work is an agency known as Illinois Gear-Up. I began participating with this group while in middle school and continued to do so up until my senior year of high school. This organization works with students and equips them with the tools necessary to excel in college, by encouraging skills sets and even offering scholarships. Being a participant of this organization opened doors and offered experiences that otherwise may not have been accessible for myself and other classmates that participated. It wasn’t until later in my high school years that I recognized the importance of accessibility to such resources and how such things can affect the lives people choose to lead, especially during childhood. Without their leadership and program, an undergraduate career at a major university

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