
Society: The Puppet Master of Freedom Essay example

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Throughout history there have been countless cases where groups of people have fought for their freedom. They have fought their battles in political debates, protests, and in the most extreme cases war. The oppressed continuously try to escape their oppressors, under the assumption that their oppressors live in complete sovereignty. People did not know then and still do not understand today that the environment they inhabit is the key factor that controls communal freedom. In Wallace Stevens “Disillusionment of Ten O’ Clock” and Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” both speakers affirm that society does not allow individual freedom to exist in this world.
The speaker in “Disillusionment of Ten O’ Clock” (Stevens) places the readers in a …show more content…

The white night-gowns stated here are symbolic in that they represent the everyday working class person who goes to work and comes home because that is their responsibility. The speaker wishes people in his society weren’t trapped by social norms. These gowns call for uniformity and order, yet strips the individual of personality and diversity. Stevens personifies the night-gowns as haunting creatures of the night repressing freedom of expression. He furthers this idea in lines 3-11, where he begins changing the color of the night-gown. Stevens chooses a simplistic tone to plant in the readers mind a sense of fantasy instead of realism. The language becomes very childish in his description of what the night-gowns do not communicate. They (like people) are not exciting and should be more out of the ordinary, multicolored with decadent belts and crazy rings (lines 3-9). By line 10, the speaker calls out directly to the people no longer comparing them to night-gowns. That the lifestyles that people have chosen as a whole even control their ability to dream. This slight gesture takes a moment to remind the reader of his purpose: Society should not have an effect on our individual freedom.
Finally Stevens, again using symbolism, calls for the hero, “…an old sailor/ Drunk and asleep in his boots/ Catches tigers…” (Stevens lines 12-16). This sailor saves the readers from falling into despair because he represents true freedom. The sailor represents a

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