
Socioeconomic Status

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The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Clinical Management
Physicians and nurses face many challenges when developing treatment plans for patients and determining the best route of treatment for their patients. One of these challenges is “socioeconomic status”. Socioeconomic status is defined as a complex characteristic, generally understood to encompass not only income and education level, the measures most commonly used, but also a wide range of associated factors that may affect the quality of health care patients receive, including insurance status, access to care, patients’ health beliefs, and many facets of the doctor-patient relationship such as trust and communication (Bernheim, Ross, Krumholz, & Bradley, 2008). Some examples of this are, patients from rural communities with less of an income and that are less educated. This is an issue because physicians have to explain treatments and diagnoses in a simplified manner which may not fully explain the issue and miss important details. Also the doctor has to take into consideration the resources available in these communities. This is the process of clinical decision making. The process of clinical decision making is the essence of everyday clinical practice. This process involves an interaction of application of clinical and biomedical knowledge, problem-solving, weighing of probabilities and various outcomes, and balancing risk-benefit. This is a complex process that consist of several essential components

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