
Sociological Perspectives On Suicide

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Despite the lack of research done by sociologists on the topic of suicide, little is known about what societies perspective of it. In this research paper, the sociological aspects of suicide are going to be brought up. The way suicide deals with deviance and how a particular Sociologist studied different theories. The analyzation of four journal articles that are cited back up my answer in my research paper. My research question is, Does the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why impact societies viewpoint on the sociological issues of suicide? Providing evidence to prove this true through the general thoughts and knowledge I have cumulated in Introduction in Sociology. Oddly enough there is not much research in the general category of suicide in sociology …show more content…

The show is a fictional drama based off of a book, but it covers the serious controversial issues with Suicide. Thoroughly going in depth through 13 different tapes leading up to the main character, Hannah Baker, committing suicide in the end. The way the 13 tapes approach her suicide and the reasoning behind it all is almost the same way someone would have written a suicide note or letter. Altogether 13 Reasons Why got completely blown up because our society did not know to handle the sensitive subject matter of suicide. While many people were agitated with the touching approach taken towards suicide in the television series 13 Reasons Why we need to realize statistical aspects of the issue. In fact, “Suicide was the tenth leading cause of death for all ages in 2013” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015). Yet the topic of suicide in our society is unfortunately not discussed a lot in schools, media, or better yet even sensationalized publically. The series 13 Reason Why really hits the nail on the head on the impact of events aim to someone committing suicide. Also, the way the show turns thirteen tapes into blaming thirteen different individuals recorded by Hannah Bakers before committing suicide is the odd part about this all. As a society, this is just an issue that we have a difficulty comprehending. Furthermore, the way sociology looks towards acts of …show more content…

The approach of looking at suicide as violating normal behaviors socially is what makes me go down into the idea of researching such a topic. In particular, what are the theoretical components of making and individual commit suicide? How does deviance correlate with the idea of suicide in sociology?
“Suicide may be a way of expressing grievances. To this extent, it can be explained with a theory of social control. The central task of a theory of social control is to explain why, given that a conflict occurs, it is handled in one way and not another” (Manning,

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