
Sociopath Vs Psychopath

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We all have used the word psychopath or sociopath even watched movies where the words are used to describe a specific person who is crazy. But are we really using the word that actually suit the. First let's define both words, a sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. And psychopath is a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. They both are a form of mental disorder, but one is violent, while the other one is not. The 1960 movie Psycho shows the character Norman Bates, that has the trait of a Psychopath how violent he is in the movie. A psychopath is dangerous. They’re violent and cruel, and oftentimes …show more content…

A sociopath is antisocial, manipulative, deceitful, rule-breaking, and superficially charming, so they can have their way. Sociopaths interact with their social worlds in a meaningful way, but their moral compasses needed a massive tune-up. Meanwhile, a Psychopath is generally considered a confluence of genetic and chemical imbalances. Psychopaths lack the proper neurological frameworks to develop a sense of ethics and morality. Another differences between both psychopaths and sociopaths is that the cause of their disorder is either nature or nurture. A psychopath is formed through nature while often times sociopaths are formed through nurture. How can we diagnose both of them and not confuse them with each other? How can you tell if they are a sociopath? To define a sociopath is by looking through some of these factors that are still used today to diagnose sociopaths/psychopaths and others with antisocial disorders. Some factor such as very intelligent, delusions or other signs of irrational thinking, overly nervous, not reliable, liars, lacks remorse, behavior motivated antisocial, poor judgment fails to learn from experience, pathologically egocentric, incapable of love, lack the ability to react emotionally, and aren’t self-reflective or meditative. These are some factors of a

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