
Socrates And David Hume

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Can absurd logic be used as a tool to scrutinize western philosophical texts without missing the point? Using absurd logic, I will demonstrate how two western philosophers differ in relation to the absurd. My case study will examine Socrates and David Hume. It will be demonstrated that Socrates’ actions in Plato’s Phaedo and Apology constitute philosophical suicide by finding sanctuary, giving hope, and appealing to a god. Alternatively, Hume’s actions/claims in the Dialogue Concerning Natural Religion, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, and Of Miracles conform with Camus’ absurd logic because of his constant skepticism and denial of an escape. My aim is to demonstrate that although Socrates’ actions are deemed as philosophical suicide and Hume’s actions comply with absurd logic, one is still able to comprehend the philosophical issues that both these philosophers raise, while still doing a close reading of the texts through an absurd paradigm.
I. Introduction Albert Camus introduced his description of the absurd to the world in 1942, in the text Le Mythe de Sisyphe. He claims that man has a desire to seek meaning in an irrational world. When an individual desires rationality from an irrational world the absurd is created. This becomes a struggle for the individual that is aware of the absurd and Camus believes that there is an absurd logic that must be followed to not negate the absurd. In relation to literature and philosophy, it is a task to use Camus’ absurd

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