
Socrates Was Wise About God

Satisfactory Essays

Kara Osborne
Phil. 120
November 18, 2014

Socrates was wise about God

As an attempt to prove that Socrates was wise about God the true meaning of wisdom has to be defined in all of its terms. Socrates was wise because God told him that no one was wiser than he. But, what makes a person wise, what are the defining characteristics of wisdom for one to be considered wise? To start this conversation about what makes a person wise is to define what the literal meaning of Wisdom is. Wisdom is rooted in the Indo-European word stem of “woid, weid, wid” that means “to see” (Mohr, 3) Just by examining this definition wisdom can be described as a type of sight. The ability to see something is uniting in it of itself of one object, the seer, to another object. Wisdom being a type of sight is a connection between the knower of something in conjunction with the known. As given in class, the knower of chemistry knows about matter and the other physical sciences can related to a specific subject. But, what is someone is the knower of Wisdom, what do they know? If someone is the knower of Wisdom they know communication, love, and they know God. Before the idea of the knower of wisdom can be discussed knowledge must be defined. There are two types of knowledge, theoretical and practical. Theoretical is from the Greek verb “theorein” which means to look at, which is knowledge for its own sake. Practical knowledge on the other hand comes from the Greek verb “prassein” which means to pass

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