
Softball Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

I am sorry to say that, I can no longer abide to the position of head coach for sack of rice. After careful prayer and counseling from my family, I have decided Softball leadership is no longer beneficial to me. Rather, its causing me stress, my school work and other ministries suffer from it. Due to my schedule for the summer, I can not commit 100% of the time to the softball ministry, especially during the month of July. So, I must withdraw from the position of head coach. Please do not take this as me giving up on this ministry, because I am not. The vision still remains for me, to evangelize to non-believers and to build up believers. I will just not be taking up the leadership role, as I can not commit. I am still trying to reach out to my friend Michael, and have not given up. …show more content…

As of late, I have not been able to spend time with my cell in contact them (my weekends are maxed out), and I am very behind on my studies as exams are in a week or so. And no, I haven't been playing any video games, I've been struggling to finish my summatives and balancing softball. So far that has not turned out very well. With more flexibility and time on my hands, I intend to focus more into my studies and to invest more time into meeting up with cell members and spending time with them over the summer (I would like to meet up with Alvin). I do not think that service ends here, in grade 11. It extends far beyond post secondary, so I will be focusing on my studies, in hope that God will use me later on in life. Presently, Softball has been taking up a lot of my time, more than I had planned. And the responsibility of being at every practice and running every practice can not be averted as head coach, as there is no one to fill

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