
Sojourner Truth: Birth And Early Life

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Birth and Early life
Sojourner truth was born around 1797 as Isabella baumfree, a slave in Ulster County, New York.As a kid sojourner was a slave she was separated from her family in 1806 when she was only nine years old, she was sold with a flick of sheep for one hundred dollars. Her new owner was harsh and violent and she had no family to protect her. Two years later she learned how to read and write in english
sojourner truth had 11 siblings know to be born to James and Elizabeth baumfree. Sojourner truth's family spoke Dutch in their daily lives. Around 1815, Truth fell in love with a slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. The two had a daughter, Diana. Robert's owner forbade the relationship and took Truths daughter. Around 1817 Truth was forced to marry a older slave named thomas, out of that marriage Truth had a son, Peter and two daughters Elizabeth and Sophia
Getting out of slavery …show more content…

A while after she escape,she found out that her five year old son, peter ,was illegally sold to a man in Alabama. She took the issue to court and legally assured peter’s return from the South. This was one of the first cases in which a black woman successfully went up against a white man in a united states court. Truth changed to Christianity and moved with her son Peter to New York City in 1829. In 1835 Truth won her second case. In 1839 her son Peter took a job on a whaling ship When the ship returned to port in 1842, Peter was not on board, Truth never heard from him

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