
Solar Heartbeat

Decent Essays

The first discovery that we will talk about in this essay, is the discovery of the "solar heartbeat". Scientists have discovered a pulse within the Sun that lies in the layers of gas that revolve underneath the surface of the Sun. Scientists discovered that the Sun's equatorial region rotates at rate that differs from the rate at which the Sun's polar regions rotate. The equatorial region rotating once every twenty-seven days, and the polar regions, every thirty-five days. This differential in rotations extends down a third of the way to the Sun's core, in the convection layer. Rotations at the convection layer also differ from the Sun's equatorial and polar regions, taking only fifteen to sixteen days to complete a revolution. It is believed by astronomers that these internal rotating gas layers are in correspondence with eruptions and solar flares on the surface of the Sun.

The next discovery we will talk about, is the discovery of a giant, dog-bone-shaped asteroid, located in an asteroid belt, between the planets of Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid, known as 216 Kleopatra, was captured on …show more content…

This asteroid entered the Earth's atmosphere on January 18, 2000, and when it eventually exploded in the sky, exploded with the Force of about five to ten thousand tons of dynamite. For the first time, scientists were able to recover the fragments of the fallen meteor and bring them back to a lab in a frozen state and untouched. When taken back to a lab for examination, the meteor was discovered to carbonaceous chondrites. This was rare, because carbonaceous chondrites are very fragile, and usually break apart and disintegrate upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, and even if they survive reentry, are susceptible to weathering on the ground. Out of all the asteroids to descend onto Earth, only 2% are carbonaceous chondrite

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