
Solitary Confinement In California

Decent Essays

The State of California has agreed to limit the use of solitary confinement in its prison system and to immediately transition many of its nearly 3,000 isolated prisoners back into the general prison population. The move marks the conclusion of a class action lawsuit by inmates of Pelican Bay State Prison who have spent over 10 years in solitary confinement. It will also conclude a concurrent hunger strike, which California's isolated prisoners have staged since 2011 in protest of their conditions.

It is a victory not only for prison reform activists and prisoners across the state, but for psychologists as well. The growing body of psychological research and evidence about the detrimental effects of long-term isolation is now enshrined with …show more content…

But it became the status quo for prison offenders of any kind, and often without time limits. Gang members were particularly targeted: solitary cells became the first stop—if not the only stop—for some incarcerated gang members, whose affiliation automatically marked them as too dangerous for general prison in the eyes of the state.

Since the lawsuit began a few years ago, California already begun transitioning many prisoners out of solitary confinement. Still, nearly 3,000 remain in isolation, hundreds of whom have been isolated for over a decade, and 1,100 of whom are at Pelican Bay, the northern California maximum security prison from which the lawsuit originated. Solitary confinement prisoners at Pelican Bay do not have windows.

Such treatment was deemed cruel and unusual punishment, and therefore unconstitutional, violating inmates' 8th Amendment rights. Now, only prisoners who commit serious in-prison offenses (violence, possessing weapons or narcotics, or attempting to escape) will be sent to solitary confinement, and for a limited period of …show more content…

Haney held detailed, emotional interviews with each plaintiff, as well as many other Pelican Bay inmates who have spent between 10 and 28 years in solitary confinement. Though Haney has yet to publish a formal paper on his study, a draft of his findings is available, and his results have been the subject of widespread curiosity and coverage.

What Haney continuously discovered was inmate's trauma at having completely lost their former life and now being physically and psychologically confined to a life devoid of interaction. From this he coined a term to describe the psychological result of solitary confinement: "social death."

Undoubtedly worse than real death, social death often comes with a host of prolonged psychological symptoms: aggression, anxiety, stress, depression, hopelessness, panic attacks, loss of self-control, emotional breakdowns, paranoia, psychological regression, loss of sleep and appetite, dizziness, hallucinations, hypersensitivity, and incidents of self-mutilation and attempted suicide. All these symptoms occur at much higher rates among those in solitary confinement than the general prison

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