
Solitary Confinement In Prison

Decent Essays

Effects of Solitary Confinement Sean Solar P.3 If you commit the crime you serve the time, but the long term effects of being confined with limited accessibility and constantly living in fear can affect the brain a lifetime. In prison’s across the country many are being put in solitary confinement because of violations of jail rules. While in confinement they get a small room to stare at the walls and limited personal belonging, usually just a book or a notepad. While being locked in their room ¾ of the time they get a solo gym break and lunch break. Solitary confinement goes way back to the late 1820’s when the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia . A quaker belief that alone time in a stone cell with a bible would make the “sinner” …show more content…

Soon after undergoing procedures they found out people where going insane and even taking their own lives. These customs of confinement where retired for a long time until about the 1920’s when they made a comeback at Alcatraz off the San Francisco Bay. The jail is known for housing some of the most notorious prisoners in the country and they wanted to keep the upper hand and not have anything go wrong. They created a whole prison block called D-Block which housed dozens of prisoners in confinement.If you were to break any rules while in confinement you would get sent to the “hole” which was worse than solitary confinement because you would not receive any clothes or any food other than bread and water. ( Robert Stroud was one one of the prisoners at Alcatraz in his lifetime he served 42 years in solitary confinement. While in another jail he was confined and found a group of birds which he housed later on in his years in jail he publish a couple books one called Diseases of Canaries. He was a very intelligent man with an IQ of 134 but while being looked up he was later diagnosed a psychopath.(Robert Stroud/ Many prisoners go into solitary confinement perfectly fine and come out different due to the lack of human …show more content…

Without human interaction they will begin to feel lonely and depressed. After a while the prisoners often get anxiety and built up anger which makes many out out and to where they will end up either in a worse confinement or more time in solitary. Being alone isn’t always bad and sometimes is relaxing but humans need other human interaction. We don’t need it everyday but humans have a connection with other humans weather it is a physical or emotional and it’s how we learn about other people and share how we feel. Human interaction also brings happiness to one more than materials can, psychologist James H. Fowler did a study on 5,000 participants proving that you are more happy when the people you are with people. Also if your surrounding friends are in a good state and happy themselves then it will brush off upon you. Many studies have proven that solitary confinement isn’t an effective way of punishment but in our society and country it is still being practiced. I believe it is a good way to keep the jails separated and under control, but when putting mentally ill convicts in a room with 0 human interaction it is going to further and worsen the effects which will not help them in the

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