
Solitary Confinement Is No Longer An Option Essay

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Segregation, Disassociation, the SHU, the hole, the cooler, and many more are all prison terms describing solitary confinement. Chances are you have heard some or all of these terms watching TV shows and movies, but what does it mean for the people who actually spend large amounts of time on the inside. Many are against the use of solitary confinement and say that it has no place in the modern world. In pointing out the many negative side effects of solitary confinement, the positive side must be looked at as well. Certain parts of control require a path of discipline to keep order in a prison, so what happens when solitary confinement is no longer an option. Inmates currently in solitary confinement reach numbers as high as 100,000 and this includes juveniles and people with mental illness. Stuart Grassin, a board-certified psychiatrist and a former faculty member at Harvard Medical School, has interviewed hundreds of prisoners in solitary confinement. In one study, he found that roughly a third of solitary inmates were “actively psychotic and/or actually suicidal.” Suicide is a huge concern with solitary confinement, in one study of California’s prison system, researchers found that prisoners in solitary confinement accounted for nearly half of all suicides. Within the confined walls of your segregation prison cell I can see how over time it would seem like the only way out of your cell is to take your own life. Moreover the mentally ill find themselves in solitary

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