
Something Wicked This Way Comes External Conflict

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In “Something Wicked This Way Comes” there are both an internal and external conflict shown through Will Halloway. Will deals with the internal conflict of how to step up and help everyone. “He bit his knuckles... lay back cold..straight stiff on his bed” (Bradbury91). This textual evidence proves that when the carnival comes to town and begins to take over Charles and Jim, Will has no idea what to do. He lays in bed during a sleepless night trying to convince himself that stepping up will be best for everyone. However, he realizes that he isn’t brave enough to do so, so he struggles with himself about how to become what he wants to be. “Will stirred, restively” (Bradbury93). This piece of evidence once again confirms that Will is beginning to overthink and doubt himself about being able to save his father and Jim. It grows to be a huge inner conflict against himself and what he should do. Another internal conflict for Will is seen with his father. “sometimes I wish we’d never..” (Bradbury90). Although this can be seen as an external conflict …show more content…

He must kill Mr. Dark and the dust witch alone, or hope to gain help along the way. “Will held breath, held weapon” (Bradbury251). This evidence shows Will’s struggle to fight off the Illustrated Man’s force in order to get up and help his dad kill the Dust Witch. Will knows what he must do and gets up to help his dad carry the gun all while dealing with the Illustrated Man’s anger. “Will racing after” (Bradbury269), and “Will’s side stabbed with pain” (Bradbury269) show that Will dealt with the struggle to fight off the force of the carousel and save Jim. Due to the carousel’s spinning, Will has a struggle to get Jim off. In the process, Will has to find Jim and the carousel and then proceed to fight off Mr. Dark before attempting to get Jim off. Proving the external conflict that Will

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