
South And The Ghetto Of The North

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The United States has always been a country that has functioned on the basis of capitalism and focused on economic gains and stability. The reproduction of the slave system seems to be inextricably connected to race in America, as well as underlying political, social and legal systems that operate in society. Multiple scholars have noted that the social world that is existent today is a result of the economic agenda that is concentrated in politics. The carceral state alone reveals how African Americans in the United States are caught in the institutions that dictate and extort their identities in order to contribute to a system that is set up for their downfall. From slavery, Jim Crow in the south and the ghetto of the north, to the Hyperghetto and prison system of today, the United States has operated through different forms of labor from different, dominant social types that range from slaves to lowly skilled workers to criminals. In order to change the capitalist system that creates loopholes that ensure the imprisonment and lack of fundamental rights and resources for African Americans, it is important to analyze and consider the prison and convict leasing systems, prison abolition and blackness as criminality as a whole.
Often there is an underlying assumption that criminal activity solely comes from the African American community. Historically, African Americans have had stereotypes attributed to them on the basis of their skin color, which includes being perceived

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