
Sox-404 Corporate Governance

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The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) was first implemented in 1985 to support the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting, as well as working with auditors and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The committee’s objective was to produce thought leaders for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), fraud determent, and internal control and financial reporting (ICFR) in 2004; COSO introduced the ERM-Integrated Framework. (COSO, 2015) SOX 404, mandates the use of an internal control framework by the management of publicly traded entities. Since 1992, multiple companies have used COSO’s framework. In May of 2013, COSO updated its Internal Control-Integrated Framework, updating was in response …show more content…

It applies to public companies and some parts apply to private companies as well. The main objective of SOX is to protect investors and is implemented with the SEC publicly traded companies and various accounting firms. Section 404 of SOX was established while considering the COSO framework. In response to past scandals and the many changes in business stakeholders and regulators are holding companies to higher standards, including fraud determent among other issues. (Austin, 2012) Section 404 of SOX requires that evaluation of internal controls by management must be established on well-known control framework that was created by knowledgeable professionals who use “due process”. SOX does specifically mention and promote the use of COSO’s Internal Control-Integrated Framework. SOX supports COSO’s framework, its definition of internal control, in general and recommends its use to stay in compliance with SOX and SEC regulations and rules. (PwC, 2005) SOX does support the principles of the COSO framework for instance, “management must assess the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting and reports thereon (on both design and operating effectiveness of controls).” (PwC, 2005) This would support COSOs principles/components of Information and Communication and …show more content…

(Galligan, 2015) There are growing concerns at all levels of industry about the challenges posed by cyber-crime,” said Robert B. Hirth Jr., COSO chairperson. “This new guidance helps put organizations on the right path toward confronting and managing the frightening number of cyber-attacks.” (Perez, 2015) The annual Section 404 of SOX and the quarterly section of 302 of SOX should support this principle of COSO. (PROVITI,

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