
Space Race Research Paper

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The Space Race was a very interesting and important part in the history of the United States of America. The Space Race was a competition between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. People all over the world bought a television to see Neil Armstrong be the first man to land on the moon. The Space Race was a huge victory for the United States, also it brought united all of us. As Neil Armstrong said " That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."( Klempner et al.). The Space Race had a huge effect on the outcome of the Cold War.
The Space Race was another place where the Soviet Union and the United States had competition. The Soviet Union was leading in the Space Race at the beginning by launching the world's first …show more content…

The U.S suffered a major setback when three astronauts died because of the spacecraft catching on fire in a space simulation. The Americans weren't the only ones who had a setback, the Soviets also had a setback when Sergey Korolyov had an unexpected death in January 1966, chief engineer of the Soviet space program. In December 1968 people all over the world saw the Apollo 8 launching, which was the first manned space mission to orbit the moon. Frank Borman, James Lovell Jr., and William Anders were the people who were on the Apollo 8 mission, the main purpose was to orbit around the moon and return back to earth safely. The Apollo 8 mission was a very important part of NASA's accomplishments it also plays a big role in the Apollo 11 mission. Apollo 8 motivated the Apollo 11 mission by making us think about another mission to land on the moon. By the end of the year that John Glenn orbited the earth NASA was already planning Apollo missions. Many people couldn't believe that NASA transitioned so quick from orbiting earth to Apollo missions, and moon …show more content…

The Apollo 11 mission would be the first ever attempt to land a human on the moon. President John F. Kennedy would announce that the U.S would soon be attempting the first landing on the moon. On July 16, 1969 John F. Kennedy's dream and claim would become a reality, when Neil Armstrong was the first man that landed on the moon. The famous quote to remember that moment was " That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."( Klempner et al.). Neil Armstrong wasn't the only human on that mission, the mission had three men Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were on the actual spacecraft that landed on the moon and Michael Collins was on the orbiter, it orbited the moon for 1 day until Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin joined Collins. After Apollo 11 the Soviets tried to come back so they launched 4 mission to land on the moon between 1969 to 1972. Unfortunately, for the Soviets all four of their missions failed dramatically even a launch-pad exploded in 1969. The American astronauts were seen as ultimate American heroes by many U.S citizens because of their victory in the Space Race against the Soviet Union. But, the Soviets were seen as the horrible villain's, with many relentless attempts to show there superiority over the United States with powerful and

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