
Spanish American War 98 Analysis

Decent Essays

In 1898, the United States intervened in a conflict in which Cuba was attempting to gain independence from Spain. The United States interposed their selves after a Naval ship, the USS Maine, was destroyed. The journalism at the time, yellow journalism to be specific, blamed Spain for the sinking of the battleship, and so the United States decided to step in. John Lukacs, an American-Hungarian author, wrote “The Meaning of ’98” as an examination of the crucial parts of and leading up to The Spanish-American War. In this article, Lukacs states the events in 1898 that America inserted themselves in and, set in motion the first American Century.

The Spanish-American war was a quick one, but important as well. What started off as a guerrilla …show more content…

He says that the aftermath of the war still stay with us, and affect us to this day (Lukacs 5). To his credit, I do believe that America would have become a world power anyway, but not as fast. The United States were doing fine but their hunger was growing. They were not satisfied with just growing economically, they want to grow size wise. If the war never happened, then their nation pride would have fallen. The boost that the war gave America, helped economically, but without it, they would have been stagnant for a while. I believe that they would have been able to pull themselves back up with patriotism from another event, but not for …show more content…

Lukacs called the war a “blessing in disguise” for Spain and their pride. He states that some of the most intellectual minds arrived close after the war (Lukacs 5). To rebuttal the “blessing in disguise”, the war tore apart Spain. America was nice to them, but that is after the war and after they won. Once a team wins, they can be nice all they want. But during the battle they fought hard (not that they needed to). Although, after the war, Spain went nowhere but up. That was not a “blessing in disguise”, thats called hitting an all time low. Once Spain hit rock bottom, they had nowhere to go but up. So it seems as if the war helped Spain, but instead just put a different perspective on improving the country. After the war, the United States decided not to combine with Cuba, but they did, however, add Hawaii as the fifteenth state (Lukacs

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