
Spanish American War Causes

Decent Essays

What were the causes & effects of the Spanish American War? There were several causes of the Spanish American War. One of the reasons that we went to war was because of the Rebellion In Cuba, the next reason that we went to war was because of yellow journalism Yellow Journalism, the last reason was because of the battles between the Philippines and Cuba. There are many more reasons that we went to war with Spain but these are the most important. The rebellion in Cuba was one of the three main reasons that we fought in the Spanish- American war. Cuba did not like the way that Spain was treating Cuba and so they decided to rebel. The Cubans originally wanted the US to help them but the US didn’t get involved. Spain put them into reconstruction camps where there were little sanitation and little to no food. Now the US decided to get involved. When the US got involved they had strict rules for Cuba and what they could and couldn’t do. When they got involved the sent a warship to Cuba and there was a huge explosion and yellow journalism made everyone think that Spain blew up the ship but that was all lies. The rules that the US had for Cuba were that they could not trade, form alliances or have …show more content…

Pulitzer and Hearst wrote yellow journalism. They wrote lies about how the US ship was sent to Cuba and it naturally blew up but they wrote lies and said that Spain blew up the ship. They were a start to the war because if they wouldn’t have written all those lies people wouldn’t be mad at Spain and wouldn’t want to fight Spain. They made even the people who sent the ship think that Spain blew it up, The ship ended up blowing up from natural causes. everyone thought that the Spanish blew up the US ship and it was a whole big misunderstanding. People got very mad at Spain and so everyone wanted us to start a war. The yellow journalism caused most of the conflict to start this

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