
Spanish American War Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Spanish-American War was decision made by America to essentially intervene between Spain and their efforts to quell the revolution within Cuba. In this essay I will be analyzing the reason for America’s intervention between a country and its territory and why the U.S felt it was necessary to intervene in this conflict which eventually leads to the Spanish-American War. What had led to The Spanish-American War was the American’s dissatisfaction of how the Spanish were dealing with the Cuban revolution at the time. The Spanish were not able to quell the resistance in a timely fashion. The president at the time, William Kinley, was concerned because the Spanish territory was only 100 miles away from the U.S, causing a possible risk for the U.S if the Spanish were not able to control the conflict and the communism ideologies that Cuba was adopting. Cuba’s dealings and ideologies including the close proximity that the island had to the U.S borders was a cause of concern for President Kinley and Congress. …show more content…

America took the last part of the Monroe Doctrine as enough justification to declare war against the Spanish because Cuba was in the hemisphere of the America’s and the Spanish were a European

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