
Spanking Persuasive Speech

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Every parent known to mankind is familiar with the dreaded supermarket fits where they are on a race to the check-out and they are putting items in the cart just as fast as their toddler’s grimy little hands are throwing them out. Many parents result to lightly smacking their child on the hand or bottom and firmly telling them “NO,” and the rest of the parent’s grimace at the thought of “abusing” their child. There is a very fine line between abusing a child and disciplining a child. I have a strong opinion that lightly spanking a child will not cause excessive trauma but it is a way for him to respect authority, accept punishment and learn to make good decisions.
Although almost every parent ever encountered wants to be a friend …show more content…

Dr. Laura Markham says that, “Corporal punishment has repeatedly been linked with nine other negative outcomes, including increased rates of aggression, delinquency, mental health problems, and problems in relationships with their parents”. Although spanking is considered “tough love”, it is hard to believe the impact on the current and future children committing disastrous crimes can be blamed on spanking. How a person can blame an individual’s choice to commit a felony or even a murder on a couple love taps when disobeying while growing up is beyond …show more content…

How quickly the laws have made a change from parents having a backbone to parents who are shaking in their shoes concerned about not getting charged for child abuse laws is an upsetting turn around. Brendan L. Smith says, “The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a directive in 2006 calling physical punishment “legalized violence against children” that should be eliminated in all settings through “legislative, administrative, social and educational measures”. The appalling fact is corporal punishment can now also be looked upon as child abuse and a form of domestic violence is actually quite pathetic considering that law enforcers have taken away a parents right to reasonably discipline their child. The government condones enough in a United States citizen’s life and should not be able to direct parents on how to raise their children. A parent should be able to choose the type of discipline their child will receive after delinquent behavior. Not all wrong-doings deserves a spanking; some things will be just fine with a time-out, but some may agree that when a twelve-year-old comes home reeking of alcohol, corporal punishment may be necessary. As mentioned before, the immediate reaction of compliance of a child after a spanking can be quite beneficial in the case of a toddler playing with electrical outlets. A spanking is far less dangerous than being electrocuted. The

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