
Speaking Up Analysis

Decent Essays

Tanya was a shy sixteen-year-old African American girl who has been offended multiple times due to the racial jokes of her classmates. Most of the jokesters were Caucasian football players and jocks who let words spew out of their mouths without thinking through them; it was usually just to get a laugh or some sort of rise out of people. The boys would casually toss racial comments in her classroom that was mostly full of white students. Tanya would cringe inside everyday as they made constant degrading comments about African Americans-including Black women. It began to be to much for her to handle, but she did not now how to stand up to the ignorant boys. They intimidated her. Many people face slander everyday and they do not know how to confront the person who …show more content…

Offensive jokes and jabs at someone's reputation should not be left untouched. Even one joke can ruin a person's day. Although it may be scary, people need to be bold enough to stand up for themselves. Professor Kahn of psychology says, "Speaking up may not magically change a biased attitude, but it can change a person's behavior by putting a strong message across. And …show more content…

Many people do not realize that what they have said has even insulted anyone. It is important to always give the other person the benefit of the doubt by asking them, "This is what I heard you say. Is that what you meant?" (Cole 312). Communication is not a mastered art; therefore, there is assuredly room for misunderstandings. Mr. Strong says, "The key is to continue the dialogue, hear the other person's concerns, and point out your own" (qtd. in Cole 313). Furthermore, continuing the dialogue allows time for clearing up any miscommunications that may have occurred. It's always a good idea to give people a chance to explain themselves before falsely

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