
Speech On LGBT Rights

Decent Essays

The history of LGBT rights and how have countries and religions adapted over time to be more accepting. Or are they now less accepting

Good morning everyone is the gender neutral way of addressing everyone. Welcome to my presentation on LGBTQIA+ Rights and I hope to answer the question “how have countries and religions adapted over time to be more accepting. Or are they now less accepting”

What does it mean?
According to LGBT Right charity Stonewall There are many variations of the abbreviation LGBT and I am going to talk about the all-encompassing one. LGBTQIA+. So what does LGBTQIA+ mean?
G= Gay
B= Bisexual
T= Transsexual or transgender
Q= Queer or Questioning
I= Intersex - Intersex is a medical condition in which you are born male or female and have the opposite genitals to your sex or the both genitals. One in every two thousand people are born intersex
A= Asexual or A gender or Ally. If you’re an ally you are not in the acronym LGBTQIA+ but you would like to be part of the Community.
And the + includes the other minority groups that don’t fall in to the category of Male or Female or are not completely straight.

When did LGBT rights become legal and why?
There has been a move recently in more country’s decriminalising LGBT rights with the most recent country being Germany allowing Homosexual marriage. But still in 72 country’s same sex relations are illegal and in 8 of those country’s it is punishable by death. So, why are so many country’s against LGBT+

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