
Speech On Surrogacy In Motherhood

Decent Essays

Below are the 3 chosen topics and the responses to them: Surrogacy in Motherhood: Surrogacy is defined as the method or agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or persons, who will become the newborn child's parent(s) after birth. The controversies that surround this are mainly directed at 2 main points : Whether surrogacy in ethical or commercial. Procreation of life is the single most greatest phenomenon nature has bestowed upon women. However, not all couples are blessed to conceive due to various factors - social, physiological, etc. Surrogacy gives hope to these couples who long to have a child of their own. These couples take the help of the technological advances in the field of medicine today to see …show more content…

Also, another main point in question is the reservation quota in Indian Education system, and whether it is actually benefitting the intended groups. The first point in case is the existing practice of “Management Quota”. During initial days, when educational institutions were being set up, management quota was set up to popularise the institutions. However, this purpose has now evolved over the years and management quota is only eating into the seats of deserving students. The second point in question is the reservation quota in the current education system. It is true that, when it came into effect, India was a developing nation that was struggling to make all opportunities to available to all communities of people. And given the discriminations that existed, reservation system was indispensable. However, considering how far we have come (post-independence period) needs to be taken into consideration. The caste-system rule is not a major player and the reservations in education system are borderline

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