
Speech On Vulnerable Dogs

Decent Essays

When you adopt a dog they become apart of your family, you would never do anything to this dog to hurt it or make it feel not loved. Because they’re family so why would you? Unfortunately there are people out there who leave dogs behind or just abandon them on the street because they are ‘too old’. Dogs go through a lot of pain and suffering that a lot of people don’t know about. Hopefully this can open up some eyes. Stray dogs are everywhere, you see them running into traffic or in a park. This has been a huge issue for years and probably will always be one. When dogs do get abandoned they have to adjust their life in order to survive. Stray dog’s can live anywhere. According to wildlife animal control “underside of decks and porches ideal areas for a stray dog to live.” They will even eat anything that has a food scent on it like plastic. Stray dog’s behavior will be completely changed from when they were a full time pet. Some strays become aggressive and very protective of themselves since they were just abandoned, they usually do so they can become the pack leader or so people stay away from them. Stray’s will also become very vulnerable and afraid even more than they were before. Have you ever walked past a stray and it started growling or barking at you? That’s them trying to protect themselves so you won’t hurt them like others have done in the past. If this ever happens just remember they're probably more scared of you then you are of them.

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