
Speech Pros And Cons Of Speech

Satisfactory Essays

The First Amendment protects several different types of speech, amongst these, are symbolic speech, political speech, and other forms of nonverbal speech. These forms of speech are only protected at the national level, and not by private companies, and these rights end whenever they infringe upon another person's rights. Symbolic speech is generally not spoken, but rather an action that represents something else. An example of this would be whenever a person burns the United States flag in protest, generally against the countries undertakings. The term political speech deals with a person's stated opinions of government action. In other words, it is how you feel about government, and all of its programs and components. This type of speech is protected, to ensure that the government does not punish people who feel a certain way about an issue, or who object an action or law of the government. Other forms of speech include words that are written, like books, articles, or even blogs. Art pieces like paintings, drawings, or dancing can convey messages, so they are also forms of speech. Technology can also be used as speech, whenever it is in the forms of video games, and television. There are several other forms of protected speech, and they are all protected at the national level. Although the First Amendment does provide citizens with various rights, these rights do have limits. The right to free speech has numerous limitations and restrictions in place, and there are

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