
Splatter: Why Do Blood Patterns Work?

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Blood Splatter According to the National Forensic Science Technology Center “blood behaves according to certain scientific principles, trained bloodstain pattern analysts can examine the blood evidence left behind and draw conclusions as to how the blood may have been shed (Crime Scene Investigator Network). However, according to David A. Harris “the opinions of bloodstain pattern analysts are more subjective than scientific” (David A. Harris). In the first episode of Dexter he is explaining the blood stain patterns to the cop and what happened in the room. He tells the cop the item used to commit the murder takes more pictures and makes a report of his findings. However, I believe blood splatter analysis to solve a crime does not work because Dexter had a theory or opinion about what happen and the Lt. Maria LeGuerta agreed with it. There was no scientific …show more content…

The patterns are based on opinion and have to deal with almost no scientific method. The patterns benefits the prosecutors or defense attorney, but this can be very bias when trying to come up with a theory. Dexter gave a great example of the procedure involved in showing how blood patterns work, but also demonstrated how quickly the crime was solved because of one forensic technique. Blood splatters sometimes are used to determine the whole scene of the case which can’t happen because they are only supposed to give an idea of what happen at certain moments of time because of where the blood splatters occurred. In order to get this to work I believe there needs to be more than one blood splatter analysis at the crime scene. Just to make sure two people are able to get the same theory just by looking at the blood splatter patterns. I feel this is the best way so there won’t be any bias information. I also believe this shouldn’t just be the main piece of evidence in order to solve a crime just because this is based on

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