
Spondylolysis Essay

Decent Essays

Due to the high physical demands of the entertainment industry, dancers are prone to suffer from many different types of injuries – many of these injuries are more commonly found in dancers than in the general population. Among the most common of spinal injuries is Spondylolysis; this condition can be caused by a number of dance steps and also has many different treatment options. Spondylolysis is a very painful injury and can have many effects on a dancer’s body. In this injury, the problem is centralized in the spinal region of the body. Spondylolysis is “a defect in the normal bony structure of the pars interarticularis that is present in 6% of adults” (Solomon, Solomon, Minton pg. 88). This defect is typically found in the L4 or L5 and is thought to be partially hereditary. When the defect occurs bilaterally, the “upper vertebrae will slip forward over the lower one” (Solomon, Solomon, Minton pg. 88). Essentially, it is a break or stress fracture in one of the vertebrae – this is one of the most common origins of …show more content…

First, and foremost, a dancer dealing with spondylolysis must cease dancing or any other physically demanding activity immediately and immobilize the lower back with an “anti-lordotic brace” for a six month period. In addition to immobilization, the affected individual must adhere to an exercise program consisting of abdominal and pelvic strengthening exercises, and stretching exercises for the hamstrings and lumbodorsal fascia in order to prevent atrophy, weakness, and tightness that may result from the immobilization. In some cases, a dancer may experience healing solely due to abstaining from painful techniques and following the exercise program alone, and may not require a brace. In the rarest of cases, spinal fusion is required in order to alieve severely painful spondylolysis that “interferes with dance activity despite bracing and exercises” (Solomon, Solomon, Minton pg.

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