
Sports Injury Research Paper

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The most common sport related injuries are strains and sprains. Sprains are injuries to ligaments, and strains are injuries to muscle fibers or tendons. What causes sports injury is most often times the failure to warm-up properly. It is significantly important to warm-up sufficiently before beginning strenuous activity. The most susceptible to sports injury are professional and competitive athletes, whose training is intense, for they are more vulnerable to injury through overuse of certain muscles. While it’s not possible to prevent all injuries that occur, research has shown that it’s possible to lower injury rates by as much as 25% if proper precautions are addressed.


Don’t overtrain and try to avoid training errors

Exercise does not need to hurt you in order for it to be good. In fact, if it hurts then you are probably doing something wrong. Many athletes have the common misconception “more pain, more gain.” Some soreness is ok, but if it continues, you’re …show more content…

Doctors recommend at least 24-48 hours for muscles to recover after a strenuous workout. The proper amount of rest differs among individuals. Some general guidelines to consider are: larger muscles heal more slowly, smaller muscles repair themselves fast. Fast or explosive movements (ex): tennis, skiing, weight-training, sprinting… require more recovery time then slow movements such as (ex): biking, jogging, etc.

Women generally require more recovery time than men, as do older individuals compared to millennials. If you are noticing persistent muscle aches and pains, changes in sleep or mood patterns, or an increased incidence of injuries, you are definitely overtraining! In this situation, allow your body to recover. Rest days may vary from 3-5 days to up to 4-5 weeks, or even longer depending on your condition. If you do proper modifications in your training regimen, you can prevent

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