
Sports Specialisation Essay

Decent Essays

- Specialisation can be divided into early or late. Diversification is included of a number of sports for the athletes that specialise later. Diversification early on allows the athlete to explore different sports growing mentally, physically, cognitively, and socially in a positive environment.
- There have been studies conducted that show that in the Division 1 NCAA, majority of athletes were more likely to have played multiple sports in high school and that their first more focused on sport, was different from the on they play in college.
- Current evidence suggests that delaying sports specialization for majority of sports until around the age of 15-16 will minimize possible risks and lead to a higher likelihood of higher athletic success
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These skills can then be transferred over to their primary sport if they decide to specialize which can lead to an increased performance and skill level and they will not as much deliberate practice to acquire expertise in their primary sport.
- Studies do show that deliberate play within the primary sport is crucial for development to obtain elite status
- Athletes during late adolescence have the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and motor skills needed to invest into specialised training as they understand the benefits and costs of intense focus on the one sport and are able to make independent decision about investing in one sport.
- Athletes who specialise too soon are at the risk of physical, social and emotional problems. Athletes may become socially isolated from their peers and may alter relationships with family
- It is common to see specialised athletes with overuse injuries which result in possible time away from their primary sport and in extreme cases can cause early retirement from the sport
- The risk of injury can result from many factors such as training volume, competitive level and pubertal

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