
Spread of Buddhism in China

Decent Essays

Buddhism arrived in China by the first century C.E. by way of the Silk Road. Initially, the spread of Buddhism was met with positivity, but as the centuries passed, the Chinese began to view it in a negative light. Additionally, during a period of disunity and political instability, the Chinese peasants welcomed Buddhism, but as Buddhism became more popular, Chinese aristocracy and government saw it as a threat to their power and moved to discredit its movement. Documents 1, 2, and 5 positively supported the spread of Buddhism, and Documents 4 and 6 negatively viewed the spread of Buddhism. The change in attitude corresponding to the spread of Buddhism is presented with Documents 1, 2, and 3, which initially support Buddhism, and Documents 4, 5, and 6, which shows the changing opinions on Buddhism. It would be beneficial to see additional documents written by a peasant in order to show the contrast between elite responses and their motives for choosing a foreign religion over the traditional Confucianism. Another helpful document would be a response from a woman because it would be useful to know the reasons a woman in Chinese society would choose Buddhism and their perspective as opposed to the point of view of men. Documents 1, 2, and 5 positively support the spread of Buddhism in China. Document 1 is written by the Buddha himself, and lays down the basic principles followed by all Buddhists. It shows that by eliminating cravings, sorrow would stop. Nevertheless, it is

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