
Spring Break Satire

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How Do You Like Spring Break? Are You for It or Against It? By Kirsten Stewart, Mar 4, 2024, Lubbock Texas “Do you like spring break,” I ask student Payton, “Yes, because we get a week off from school,” replies Payton. I agree with Payton because well for one, we do get a week off from school, freedom at last! Two because we can go on vacation to wherever you want! Three, we can sleep in, and thank you for that! And four, we can spend time with our families doing whatever we want with them! When we get a week off school, we also get freedom. That’s why I like it so much! I also like getting a week off school because we can do so much. We can go on vacation, that’s always fun! We can play games with family and friends. During spring break, we can go on vacation with family, and if you are lucky, maybe even …show more content…

I would want to go to Hawaii and go surfing, but that’s just me. You could also go to the mountains and go hiking. These are just places that I like to go, you can go anywhere you want, not just the beach or the mountains! On spring break, if you aren’t going anywhere in the morning, you can sleep in! That’s one of my favorite things to do on the weekends, but this is a whole week! You could sleep the whole time if you wanted to! When spring break comes, I am going to sleep in some of the mornings, that’s for sure! I can’t wait to sleep in on spring break mornings! On spring break, you can go on vacation or stay home and watch TV, but what I would like to do even more is spend time with my family and do things with them. You can play games, watch movies, go on vacation, or even just talk old-fashioned with them. I like to go on vacation with my family and do fun stuff with them on vacation. You can do so much with them and even make your bond stronger than it was before in just one little week! I love my family so much and I like doing fun stuff with them almost as much. I like spring break because of all the things I just wrote

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