
Springboard Diving As A Discourse Community

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Springboard Diving as a Discourse Community
The world of diving has been around since the 1800’s and has been seen at the Olympic games since 1904. It first started off being called “fancy-diving” where the aim was to plunge into the water and see who could achieve the furthest depth underwater. It then progressed and became more complex involving specific skills and dives which first only men were allowed to participate in, and later women came into the society. To this day, diving is one of the most popular events watched at the Olympic games; however this community remains small and structured because of its intricate characteristics (“History of Diving”, 1). Diving has been influenced by the constant updating of technology and is incorporated in this world through high schools, colleges and universities as well as numerous sporting events that occur around the world. A theorist named John Swales analyzes communities in more detail and states that communities continue to develop and change throughout the years and further calls these communities, discourse communities.
John Swales defines a discourse community as “a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field” (Swales, 215). He specifies a discourse community through academics; however, there are countless discourse communities worldwide that can be perceived. Swales also analyzes a speech community, and how a discourse community and speech community are two

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