
St Augustine Confessions Analysis

Decent Essays

Confessions by St. Augustine is a thirteen-book autobiography of his conversion to Christianity. Confessions is delivered as a prayer to god, in which his readers are able to eavesdrop on his sinful youth, marriage, and most importantly his conversion to Christianity. Along with many biblical, literary, and symbolic influences one may question whether St. Augustine’s accounts of his conversion were true or not? During St. Augustine’s conversion he is going through an intense emotional crisis, asking repeatedly if the Lord “will be angry forever” With a literary piece like Confessions is that these are Augustine’s life events presented through his own experiences, which in his interpretation can be stylized and presented in a certain symbolic way. As Augustine mentioned in Book III, chapter XI he was eager to be eloquent and intelligent, but to have both of those he was able to right in a stylized manner. He also had a more of an emotional approach with his writing. In Book III and chapter IV of Confessions, Augustine presents the reader with a very “unstable period” of his life. He was nineteen years old and his father had passed away . During this time Augustine read Cicero’s Hortensius which was a “defense of the study of philosophy, exhorting readers to look for truth in whatever guise truth may take” During this time he resolves to look for the truth. While searching he comes across the bible which he “finds disappointing and disillusioned and moves on to

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