
Stalin Final Draft

Better Essays

Michael Mulholland, Hunter Mikson, Avery Fields
Mrs. Schrimsher
AICE International History Period 7
16 December 2014
Josef Stalin: A Totalitarian Tyrant Joseph Vissarionovitch Stalin, notoriously known as one of the most ruthless and inhumane tyrants, startlingly was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize because of his efforts to end Second World War. Yet Stalin was not flaccid in his rise to power from an irrelevant position to the dictator of the Soviet Union from 1941-1953. Joseph Stalin is ubiquitously considered a totalitarian due to his economic, social, a political policies of government. Joseph Stalin’s youth began in December 18, 1879, when he was born as the son of Besarion Jughashivili in Georgia. His youth was plagued by his …show more content…

Stalin began his replacement of the NEP with the first of the Five Year Plans. The First Five Year Plan concentrated on heavy industry, such as coal, iron, steel, oil, and machine production in order to improve the nation’s industrialization by 300% (Marshi). Also, to insure that sufficient electricity is maintained, electricity production was planned to increase by 600% (Marshi). After the First Five Year Plan failed, the Second Five Year Plan was put into place. Its intention was to create a fully socialist economy with the disappearance of money within 1933-1937 (Marshi). The Second Plan was mainly built upon the achievements of the First Plan, ultimately realizing the successes of the First Plan. While the Second Five Year Plan did not fail, Stalin still set even higher goals initiating the Third Five Year Plan which lasted up until 1941. The Third Five Year Plan was focused on huge increases of production, and completing the process the first two plans laid the foundation for, enabling the USSR to begin the transition to communism (Oxbridge). Stalin’s propensity to increase production was also found in his want to increase agricultural productivity, evidenced by collectivization. Collectivization was put into place in order to finance the industrial development of the USSR as it could not do this with the old fashioned methods of strip farming, which used antiquated technology (Rudbeck).

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