
Standardized Grading System Essay

Decent Essays

Standardized “C”
Though I understand that teachers believe they are helping children develop themselves into being active in their grading process, I am against the standardized grading process. I believe we need to go back to the standard percentage grades. The standardized grading process does not allow for fair and consistent grading. It does not allow for parents to easily follow their children’s success and short comings in their learning development. It also sets them up for failure when entering the standard percentage usage used in higher educations.
Standardized grading is a system based off of 1’s, 2’s, and 3’s. 1 being under standard, 2 being approaching standard, and 3 being meets standard. This system does not offer fair and consistent grading amongst students. All the students need to do to achieve a 3 grade is show that they …show more content…

Whether the standardized grading system was put into place to help the children become involved in their grading process or to help their self-esteem, we have to look at the long term effects it will have on them. In a society where education is so important; we cannot let our children start off with the belief that meeting standards is what they need to strive for. They need to learn that hard work and studying are needed to thrive in education. My daughter wants to be a doctor; leading her to believe that she can turn in science papers with everything spelled wrong but achieve a “perfect” score will only set her up for failure as she reaches college level and you are graded on all aspects of the paper. Our children will be handicapped against other students who were taught in a way that pushes them to do their very best in every aspect. Our children deserve the right to higher education focused on learning, not one that is focused on their self-esteem. If you want to fix their self-esteem, help them earn a

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