
Standardized Testing Essay

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Currently, standardized tests do not improve the education of students in America. Standardized testing is not an accurate measure of student’s knowledge because they are designed to test an extremely broad amount of students who do not have the same educational background. This makes it incredibly difficult to test students across the world on the same level and expect their scores to reflect their education. Standardized testing, by definition, is any test containing the same questions that is administered to a vast group of people for the purpose of comparing different student’s test scores. This issue is important because it affects the entire academic community, positively and negatively. Therefore, all teachers, students, school staff, and test administrators have some involvement with standardized testing. The vast majority of people in America have taken a standardized test sometime in their life, which makes these tests vital in the …show more content…

Zan Crowder and Stephanie Konle claim that programs like Common Core and the No Child Left Behind Act have been instilled throughout 95% of schools in America (286). This allows students in the United States to learn and understand basic academic concepts the same way. However, this leaves little to no room for teachers to instruct students in public schools their own unique way. Instead, they are given set criteria and material that the students have to meet and understand. Crowder and Konle also agree that one of the many downsides to Common Core is that it influences students to memorize answers for tests instead of actually learn academic material (285). Common Core and the No Child Left Behind Act paves the way for students to achieve higher scores on standardized tests because students, for the most part, are taught the exact same things in schools across

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