
Star Wars And Luke's Journey Essay

Decent Essays

In 1977 and today Star Wars is a major sci-fi success. Star Wars follows the twelve stage hero’s journey which was created by Joseph Campbell. The hero’s journey explains the journey that the hero’s takes to achieve great deeds and personal growth. The articles Pathway to Bliss by Joseph Campbell and A Myth for Our Time by Andrew Gordon helps explain the changes from boy to man in Luke. In this essay I will explain how Luke changes from childhood to manhood using the articles A Myth for Our Time by Andrew Gordon and Pathway to Bliss by Joseph Campbell, to analyze the film Star Wars and Luke’s journey with it.
Luke Skywalker’s childhood has been limited to his uncle ben’s authority. Even though he wanted to be a pilot in the rebellion he didn’t …show more content…

When they got trapped in the trash contractor and Luke was pulled under the water, he started acting like someone who is experience by after being release he didn’t wait for someone to think of asking R2D2 and C-3P0 for help. The experience of dying can bring different outcomes for everyone, but for Luke “Out of the moment of death comes a new life” (McMillan-Ramirez) because he had the will to live and was willing to command everyone to do something. The part where he finally enters adulthood was when he saw Kenobi died as “There comes a time, however, when the individual has to become self-reliant and not dependent but himself the authority” (Campbell) it was when he truly had to give up his parental figure that he could lean on. The death of Kenobi proves that “The father dies for his sake, freeing Luke's libido; as Ben tells him, "The Force will be with you always” (Gordon), Kenobi died to become one with the force which he would become more powerful and always be with Luke in his time of need. Luke needed to have his own path without the interference of Kenobi because if Kenobi would live the hope of the force wouldn’t be

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