
Star Wars Essay

Decent Essays

From flying across the galaxy to massive space battles and interactions between multiple species of aliens and other worldly creatures. just about everyone nowa something about George Lucas’s famous space sage Star Wars and has at least watched a few of the movies and so,e people may even think they know everything about this movie and it's creators but most likely there are things you do not know about these famous and successful movies so today I am going to talk about six fun facts that you most likely do not know about Star Wars.
Yoda was not originally a puppet Did you know that yoda was not originally a puppet. In fact at first he was a monkey in a mask. Originally yoda was just a monkey but then one of the crew members who …show more content…

While observing the set Lucas says that the set is so much better than his set and the movie will make much more money than Star Wars to Lucas’s dismay. Lucas also said “Oh my God, your movie is better than Star Wars! This is gonna be the biggest hit of all time. I can’t believe this set” Lucas said he would trade some earnings with Spielberg. They would each trade 2.5 percent of their movies earnings to each other. Then Spielberg agreed to the bet but actually Star Wars made $775 million at the box office and close encounters only making $304 million. Though Lucas did not lose much money since after the movie he was still a billionaire so there was not a giant hole in his wallet after the bet which surprised Lucas. He was very surprised that Star Wars got almost double the earning of close encounters and now had so much money.
4. Han Solo died in the original script return of the Jedi In one of the original scripts of return of the Jedi has Luke being sure that Darth Vader was an evil bad guy and Han Solo dying in a heroic raid to the Death Star. Though the surprising thing is that Harrison ford the actor who played Han Solo most likely would have been fine with this since Ford was almost all of the time very snippy about Lucas’s script choices and was always making constant criticisms which most likely annoyed

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