
State The Research Problems. The Preamble Of The U.S. Declaration

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State the Research Problems

The preamble of the U.S. Declaration of Independence states, ?We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?. I would like to offer the suggestion that if there were a survey of U.S. 5th grade students as it relates to career goals and the question of ?what would you like to be when you grow up?? the answers would be surely answered with a confident fanaticism, " a teacher, a fireman, a doctor and a lawyer. There will certainly be similarly confident responses that include The President of the United States. I would further like to suggest that none …show more content…

The influences of these issues at times are hard to measure empirically and are often taken to be "understood". For example, Marist High School in DeKalb County Georgia is a school known for academics and athletics. The curriculum is a strong ?College Prep? curriculum where not only their top 10 percent achieve but the average graduate excels as well. The athletic department is exceptional and has state titles to their credit. The faculty is a strong success driven and student focused group not only driven by state mandates but student achievement and self-aggrandizement They reside in the ?money? belt of DeKalb County, North DeKalb. Many real estate markers read, ? from the High $400s?. That is the high $400,000 s. The sports booster club and PTSA are progressive and have healthy accounts. Most of the students represent the surrounding neighborhood, however, there are a few students who are ?bused? in from other areas of DeKalb. A few of the ?bused? students have done well. One, an athlete attended Marist High School after attending another county school, not only excelled in athletics but also academics, while a student. He currently is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) and doing well in life. Overall, these factors influence the development of a focused and terse curriculum and when honestly assessed and adjusted can positively influence graduation rate, student involvement and increase school

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