
Statement Of Criminology

Decent Essays

I'm not going to lie and tell you that I have always known I wanted to study Criminology.
Growing up, I was always confused about what I wanted to do with my career and this concerned me, a lot. There are so many options! But I'm not a child anymore. I have matured and found myself.
I want to take this course to fulfill my dreams and learn about this mind-blowing subject.
Criminology connects so certain subjects that I'm highly interested in, such as law, biology, and psychology. I like to research and examine the variety of behaviors towards a threatening or awkward situation. What makes people hide something they did wrong, related to theft, death, and equivalent crimes and how do they live with those actions in their consciousness?
Knowing that life offers countless opportunities, why …show more content…

Which will be good when times are harder. I intend to never quit. No matter what.
Besides that, I'm a deep and analytical thinker and enjoy to think outside the box. I have realized this on geography classes where we debate and, usually, my ideas are different from my classmates.
In my free time, I spend an appreciable amount of time reading books, mainly about unsolved mysteries, science fiction, drama and similar genres, for example, «The girl on the train» and «A Verdade da mentira»(the truth of the lie). Along with books, I never missed an episode of my favorite series such as «Fringe» and «Dexter». I love reading and watching this type of series so much because I am genuinely curious and a good observer since I pay attention to details.
On the other hand, during the weekends my family and I go through long walks and connect with nature, it's very relaxing, good to reflect and find our inner strength. Every once in a while, we wake up at dawn to observe the sunrise at 1.818 meters of altitude, in Pico do Arieiro. This is the best time to take photographs. It's a breathtaking and unique

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