
Statement Of Purpose To Succeed In The National Honor Society

Satisfactory Essays

Being chosen to be apart of this prestigious membership and great honor is a dream come true. It shows that my teachers and leaders believe that I have what it takes in order to succeed in the National Honor Society. I have shown my dedication and perseverance not only in the classroom but in my community. I can only hope to become a valuable member due to my possession of scholarship, leader and character.

My academic achievements are an example of my hard work and dedication to my education. With a 3.7 GPA throughout my years in highschool, I have proven to myself and my teachers that I am willing to do whatever it takes to try to get the most out of my education. I still struggle at times but when I do, I make sure to ask for help and accept constructive criticism to better my work. Taking most of the honor courses can be extremely challenging but it has taught me to learn time management, self-discipline, and to increase my perseverance. These skills have helped me through my education more than I can imagine.

Apart from my study life, my involvement in school is also very important to me. At an early age, I was able to develop the leadership and teamwork skills through the many sports and clubs I have been apart of. My teamwork and leadership helped my Cross Country …show more content…

For example, my church organized a soup kitchen for the homeless in the city. I volunteered and had to take leadership to make sure that all of the volunteers knew what they had to do. We made beds, care packages and fed those in need. This experience has changed me and I try to go down every year and help out. Every time I go into the city, I create a care package full of objects that everyone needs in their daily life and give it to someone who needs it. I believe that as a member of this wonderful community, it is my duty to help others in need and bring a positive and uplifting attitude to the

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