
Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine : Cord Blood Banking And Its Therapeutic Application

Best Essays

Name: Darshana Chaudhary

Student Number: s5024975

Course: 7001HSV Applied Research Methods

Tutor: Jennifer Boddy

Due Date: 14th September 2015

Date Submitted: 14th September 2015

Word Count: 1671 words


Abstract :
Stem cells can give rise to any tissue found in the body and thus provide nearly limitless potential for medical applications . Stem cells have the great potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. They serve as a repair system . Due to unlimited therapeutic applications of stem cells , they continue to be of great importance scientifically and …show more content…

Human embryonic stem cells . Patient-specific therapy.
Articles for this review were selected from Pubmed Central and Medline databases and proquest databases.

Introduction :
Stem cells are able to generate mature terminally differentiated cells of atleast one lineage and possess the capacity of self-renewal .Stem cells can be categorized as totipotent, pluripotent or multipotent according to their developmental potential. (Takahashi and Yamanaka 2007).
Stem Cell Classification Based on Differentiation Potential:
Stem cells can be classified based on their ability to differentiate. They are classified into following five types :
Totipotent Cells: Totipotent cells are found in early stage of development .The totipotent cells forms the embryo and the placenta and differentiate into both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues.
Pluripotent Cells: Pluripotent cells differentiate into cells that arise from three germ layers called – ectoderm , endoderm and mesoderm , from which other tissues and organs develop.
Oligopotent Cells: oligopotent are capable of self renewal and differente into many tissue types.
Unipotent Cells: unipotent cells are capable of self renewal and differentiate into only one single type of cell.
Multipotent Cells: They are found in most tissues and differentiate into cells from a single germ layer. (Kolios, 2012) Sources of Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine:
There are a number of cardiovascular , neurological

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