
Stephanie Hervey Character Analysis Essay

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People are always either judging others or being judged. They act on what they see others do. They see what they dislike and like in others, and decide on whether to follow or judge. Clarence is a parvenu and arrogant man who is always on the lookout for other “snobs”, and tries to avoid them. Maria Edgeworth defines C. Hervey’s character as a cliched young man whose intellect and wealth make rather overbearing. In the selection, C. Hervey’s self-absorbed character is developed through judgemental tone, third person limited point of view, and descriptive language.

The narrator reveals a judgemental tone of Clarence Hervey through descriptions of his character. The tone represents not only the personality of the narrator but also the characters in the selection. An example as in …show more content…

In the selection, she portrays a descriptive language when describing C. Hervey’s character. One literary element that she uses is diction. She uses words such as “chameleon” character, “imprudent”, “wild”, and “eccentric”. By using these words, she is showing us a better picture of Hervey’s personality. Chameleon is a very distinctive and highly specialized lizard. Imprudent is saying that he doesnt care about the consequences for his actions, which also goes with the word wild. Eccentric means that on top of everything else, he is also slightly strange. Another literary element that she uses is juxtaposition. Another example in line 53, “Consequently he saw Belinda almost every day, and every day he saw her with increasing admiration of her beauty, and with increasing dread of being taken in to marry a niece of ‘the catch-match-maker’, the name by which Mrs. Stanhope was known amongst the men of his acquaintance.” By saying this, she is showing contrast by saying that she admires her for beauty and attracted to her, but yet he has a fear of marrying her. The narrator’s descriptive language helps define Clarence’s complex

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