
Stereotypes About Women In Canada

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Stereotypes About Women in Canada
Dinos et al. (2015) explain rape as a psychosomatic extension of the dominant-submissive stereotyped culture of sex-role. Socio-culturally conveyed attitudes toward rapists, rape and women may determine sexual violence. Such myths are frequently adopted from the man dominated socio-culture. Sexual violence might affect from the misogynist attitude rampant in culture. Deming et al. (2013) write that due to ethnicity, some cows are handled better than feminine in Canada. In some rural areas in Canada, for instance, girls have lacks independent management of their sexuality. They are anticipated to be married and give birth to children, hence everchanging the control of their sexuality from their father to the husband. The masculine, therefore, plays the most crucial role in a female's life in Canada the way he does in several other cultures that might have traditional patriarchal attitudes. …show more content…

When a woman resists sexual intercourse, it might be alleged as the direct risk by males to their masculinity, activating a crisis of male identity and promoting sexual violence and control as it is viewed as a means of resolving this disaster. Sheehy (2002) write that it has been documented that victims who try to escape or resistance from the condition are more probable to be dehumanized by the offender, thus giving an exaggerated sense of power to the man. It is possible that in male-control cultures, every resistance from the feminine casualty is viewed by the wrongdoer as an offense to his “manhood” further frustrating him to use more violent acts to have control over the

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