
Stereotypes In Compatriots And Traplines

Decent Essays

Within the stories “Compatriots” by Emma Lee Warrior and “Traplines” by Eden Robinson, it is shown through further examination that both stories share similar concepts. Both stories demonstrate prominent examples of loss of Aboriginal culture, identity, and the use of stereotypes. Loss of Aboriginal Culture is shown throughout both stories, showing the lack of respect and love the characters in Compatriots and Traplines go through. In Compatriots, identity is a major factor the characters within the story deal with, as it touches about the question: What does it mean to be a true Aboriginal? In Traplines, the struggle to find one’s identity is shown throughout the main character Will, and his journey, as he finds it difficult to figure out where he belongs. Finally, the topic of …show more content…

Thus, it will become evident that through the comparison of “Compatriots” and “Traplines”, it will become evident that both stories possess similarities through the loss of Aboriginal culture, identity, and the stereotypes shown within the characters. Over the course of the story “Compatriots”, the loss of Aboriginal culture is shown widely throughout the text. Emma Lee Warrior focuses on the lack of respect and love within Aboriginal families, which normally is a huge factor represented in their culture. In the story it says, “Lucy knew Flora and Delphine were not especially close. Their fathers were half-brothers, which made them half cousins…

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