
Stereotypes In Same Love By Rapper Macklemore

Decent Essays

“It’s human rights for everybody, there is no difference, live on! And be yourself!”- Macklemore “Same Love”

Rapper Macklemore raps about perceptions of the word gay and stereotypes that we seem to use to classify someone as gay or straight, and how we should accept people no matter what in his song, “Same Love”. The song which features Mary Lambert singing the chorus along with Macklemore rapping touches on how far we still need to go in order to truly accept the gay community. “Same Love” is about how people shouldn’t be judged and criticized based on who they love, it is a great example in showing us how we need to change our mindsets, and how society can change for the better. At the beginning of the song, we hear a softer melody starting with chimes and a piano. This is different from most rap songs in that they usually consist of beats and have a different tone. Just this difference shows that this song is meant to be uplifting and taken positively. Mary Lambert sings the chorus to add even more softness and breaks between the rap verses. …show more content…

This is drawing attention to how we have created stereotypes to try and classify someone as being gay or straight that even affect children when they are younger making them question themselves. For example when Macklemore says “When I was in the third grade I thought that I was gay ‘cause I could draw”. He assumed that just because he was good at drawing and had heard that was something only girls or someone who is gay would be good at and it was his way of stereotyping

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